COVID Tongue: Be Considered as a Symptom After All?

Dentists have been known to diagnose plethora of diseases through oral cavity which is supposed to be a mirror to overall health. One of the latest symptoms that is being noticed in association with coronavirus infection is COVID tongue where dentists may play a major role. The term “COVID tongue” was coined recently after Mr […]

How to Talk to Your Child About Coronavirus Disease 2019

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by everything you’re hearing about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) right now. It’s also understandable if your children are feeling anxious, too. Children might find it difficult to understand what they are seeing online or on TV – or hearing from other people – so they can be particularly vulnerable to feelings of […]

So, You Have Completed Your COVID Vaccination.

As COVID vaccinations emerge, there are a few things to consider once your vaccinations are complete. As many of us are excited to jump into socializing and some much-needed time with loved ones, it is important to take precautions post-vaccination to keep everyone’s safety in mind. Activities like dinning at a restaurant instead of take-out, […]

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