
ULTRASONOGRAPHY sevices in Bangalore


An ultrasound is a type of imaging test that employs sound waves to produce a sonogram, or image, of the organs, tissues, and other internal body components. Ultrasounds don’t use radiation as x-rays do. Additionally, an ultrasound can depict bodily functions in motion, such as a beating heart or blood coursing through blood veins.

Pregnancy ultrasounds and diagnostic ultrasounds are the two primary subcategories of ultrasounds.

  • Ultrasound during pregnancy is used to examine the developing child. The test can reveal details regarding a baby’s development, growth, and general health.
  • Other internal body components can be seen and information about them can be obtained using diagnostic ultrasonography. These include the female reproductive system, the liver, blood arteries, the heart, and the bladder and kidneys.

What is it advised for?

An ultrasound during pregnancy is performed to learn more about the unborn child’s health. It could be applied to:

  • Verify that you are expecting;
  • Check the unborn child’s location and size should be checked;
  • Verify whether you are expecting more than one child;
  • Calculate the length of your pregnancy;
  • Examine the baby’s neck for any thickening that might be a symptom of Down syndrome;
  • Examine the baby for birth problems in the heart, brain, spinal cord, or other organs;
  • Analyze the amniotic fluid volume (During pregnancy, an unborn child is surrounded by amniotic fluid, a clear liquid, which shields the infant from the cold and outside harm, and additionally, it aids in lung growth and bone development)

Uses for diagnostic ultrasonography include:

  • Check to see if the blood is flowing normally;
  • Check to see if your heart’s architecture needs attention;
  • Check for gallbladder obstructions;
  • Look for malignant or non-cancerous growths on the thyroid gland;
  • Examine your belly and kidneys for any abnormalities;
  • Aid in directing a biopsy operation (A biopsy is a technique where a tiny sample of tissue is removed for analysis).


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