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Basavangudi Branch

Shivajinagar Branch


Mammography is X-ray imaging of your breast. Low-dose X-rays are used during mammography to look for early indications of breast cancer, such as lumps that are too small for you or your healthcare provider to feel. Your breast tissue may alter during mammography and reveal early-stage breast cancer.

What is it advised for?

Mammograms are either utilized as a diagnostic tool for women exhibiting symptoms or as a screening technique for early breast cancer detection.

  • Screening mammography: Annual screening mammograms are conducted as part of a routine preventative health care screening program to discover breast cancer in women as early as possible, even if you have no symptoms or signs of the disease;
  • Diagnostic Mammography: Your doctor could advise diagnostic mammography if you have unusual clinical results. The presence of a lump, nipple discharge, or skin dimpling are signs of breast illness.


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How It Works ?

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Basavangudi Branch

Shivajinagar Branch